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Texas Neighborhood Coalition
Plano Chapter

TNC Plano Celebration
TNC Plano Celebration
Aug 01, 2024, 6:00 PM CDT
Holy Grail Pub

New short-term rentals are now prohibited in single-family neighborhoods in Plano.

On April 22, 2024, Plano City Council  passed two short-term rental ordinances. 

The first ordinance prohibits new short-term rentals in any single-family neighborhood in Plano. Existing STRs in residential areas as of May 15, 2023, are grandfathered as a non-conforming use. STRs are allowed in areas zoned commercial. The second ordinance is a registration program and operating rules for STRs that are allowed in the city. All short-term rentals have to apply for registration with the City of Plano. 

The City of Plano STR zoning map.
New STRS are not permitted in any area marked in gray. 

Plano 2024 STR map_edited.jpg

Our fight is not over.
Please donate today.

The ordinance passed by Plano City Council that prohibits new short-term rentals was a huge win for Plano neighborhoods, but the fight is not over. 

We know Airbnb and the STR industry will once again try to get a state law passed in the 2025 Texas State legislature that would allow STRs statewide. If that happens, the state law would preempt the Plano ordinance. The STR ban in Plano would become invalid. We cannot let this happen. 

We now have a safe and secure method to accept donations. Please donate to TNC Plano to help us keep short-term rentals out of Plano.

Our Mission

Our mission is to save Plano neighborhoods by ending short-term rentals in all areas zoned as residential.

We are the Plano chapter of the Texas Neighborhood Coalition. We are a group of volunteers working together to protect the safety of our homes, the well-being of our families, and the integrity and value of our Plano neighborhoods. 

Have a problem with an STR?

Existing STRs will be allowed to remain in single-family neighborhoods. All properties will have to register and follow the rules in the STR registration ordinance. Here is a one-page sheet about who to call when there is an issue with an STR

Looking for more City of Plano STR info?

The City of Plano has compiled all the work completed during the past two years about short-term rentals. This includes all the Task Force documents and presentations, STR registration application, and other related forms.

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